We are here to help you!

We offer Landlords hassle free, hands-off property management options so they can focus their time on things that are more important to them.
Room rental HMO
Efficient and Professional

We have a very reliable maintenance team which guarantees the speedy resolution of any issues.

Easy administration process

We do background and financial check of our tenants, greatly reducing the risk of any voids.

Very experienced

We have lots of experience by renting and managing properties for more than 7 years.

We care for You

We take the financial risks away from you and manage all tenancy and take away maintenance issues so you can enjoy the returns from your property investment with complete peace of mind.

We are Multilingual

We speak English, Russian, Lithuanian. Tenants from different countries live in our houses creating a friendly and multicultural environment.
HMO Property

Happy clients

We are very proud of the service we provide and stand by every product we carry.
Both Landlords and Tenants admire our efforts to maintain properties in best condition. Our maintenance team react asap for any arising issues.
HMO Property